Englewood Genealogical Society of Florida
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DNA - Special Interest Group (SIG)
Thursday, February 20
DNA - Special Interest Group (SIG)  (DNA SIG)
1:00 pm to 4:45 pm
In-person at Elsie Quirk Library - and available over Zoom
Sue Carlson and Pam Schierberg are our DNA SIG Leaders
Join them as we search for connections by applying the ever-changing set of tools to our DNA results and shared matches.
Pam will review and update us on the DNA tools of Ancestry, WikiTree, and FamilyTreeDNA. Also, she will review the new Ancestry Pro Tools, what they do, and how they integrate with the existing Ancestry tools.
Come to learn, to have your DNA questions answered, and to share your DNA family history success stories and brick walls.
To participate over Zoom, you must register in advance.
To register and to receive the link to join the meeting 

Family Tree Maker - Special Interest Group (SIG)
Thursday, February 27
Family Tree Maker - Special Interest Group (SIG)  (Family Tree Maker [FTM] - SIG)
10:15 am to 12:30 pm
In-person at Elsie Quirk Library - and available over Zoom
D’Ann Still is your SIG leader.
Join D’Ann as she answers your questions and outlines the features of the Family Tree Maker software, including recommendations on certain do’s and don’ts.
To participate over Zoom, you must register in advance.
To register and to receive the link to join the meeting   

EGSFL Membership Meeting
Thursday, February 27
1:30 pm to 4:45 pm
At Elsie Quirk Library - with Donna Moughty - live over Zoom
Donna Moughty will present (live over Zoom): Griffith's Valuation: It's more than just names."
This presentation will center on Griffith's Valuation, a boundary and valuation survey completed in 1864.  Griffith's Valuation is an invaluable reference for family historians with ancestors in Ireland in part because no census material from the nineteenth century has survived. In effect, it is the only detailed guide to where in Ireland people lived in the mid-nineteenth century and what property they owned or leased.
Donna Moughty, a professional genealogist and former Regional Manager for Apple Computer, has been conducting family research for over 30 years, and has made many presentations as a member of the Florida Genealogical Speaker's Bureau.  She is the author of "Quick Reference Guides for Irish Research."
To participate over Zoom, you must register in advance.
To register and to receive the link to join the meeting 

Thursday, March 6
Board of Directors Meeting  (EGSF BOARD MEETINGS)
1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
To Be Held Over Zoom
Board meetings are open to any and all EGSFL members.
SIG leaders and committee chairpersons are encouraged to attend.
Anyone who wants to attend must register with Zoom in advance.
To register and to receive the link to join this meeting  

DNA - Special Interest Group (SIG)
Thursday, March 20
DNA - Special Interest Group (SIG)  (DNA SIG)
1:00 pm to 4:45 pm
In-person at Elsie Quirk Library - and available over Zoom
Sue Carlson and Pam Schierberg are our DNA SIG Leaders
Join them as we search for connections by applying the ever-changing set of tools to our DNA results and shared matches.
Come to learn, to have your DNA questions answered, and to share your DNA family history success stories and brick walls.
To participate over Zoom, you must register in advance.
To register and to receive the link to join the meeting 

Family Tree Maker - Special Interest Group (SIG)
Thursday, March 27
Family Tree Maker - Special Interest Group (SIG)  (Family Tree Maker [FTM] - SIG)
10:15 am to 12:30 pm
In-person at Elsie Quirk Library - and available over Zoom
D’Ann Still is your SIG leader.
Join D’Ann as she answers your questions and outlines the features of the Family Tree Maker software, including recommendations on certain do’s and don’ts.
To participate over Zoom, you must register in advance.
To register and to receive the link to join the meeting   

EGSFL Membership Meeting
Thursday, March 27
1:30 pm to 4:45 pm
At Elsie Quirk Library - with Steve Colburn - In person at EQL and live over Zoom
Steve Colburn will present (live at EQL and over Zoom): "NARA for Genealogists:  Mining our National Treasure"
Steve has created a presentation diving deep into the NARA website targeted at genealogy researchers.  He has used NARA significantly in his personal research.  He has presented at many societies and is a research fellow with the American Ancestors (The New England Historical and Genealogical Society).
To participate over Zoom, you must register in advance.
To register and to receive the link to join the meeting 

Thursday, April 3
Board of Directors Meeting  (EGSF BOARD MEETINGS)
1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
To Be Held Over Zoom
Board meetings are open to any and all EGSFL members.
SIG leaders and committee chairpersons are encouraged to attend.
Anyone who wants to attend must register with Zoom in advance.
To register and to receive the link to join this meeting  

Family Tree Maker - Special Interest Group (SIG)
Wednesday, April 23
Family Tree Maker - Special Interest Group (SIG)  (Family Tree Maker [FTM] - SIG)
10:15 am to 12:30 pm
In-person at Elsie Quirk Library - and available over Zoom
D’Ann Still is your SIG leader.
Join D’Ann as she answers your questions and outlines the features of the Family Tree Maker software, including recommendations on certain do’s and don’ts.
To participate over Zoom, you must register in advance.
To register and to receive the link to join the meeting   

EGSFL Membership Meeting
Wednesday, April 23
1:30 pm to 4:45 pm
At Elsie Quirk Library - with Dawn Carlile - live over Zoom
Dawn Carlile will present (live over Zoom): Military Research - Revolutionary War."
This presentation will center on Revolutionary War Records and their use in genealogical research.  Dawn is professional genealogist, frequent speaker, and is a member of the Association of Professional Genealogists.
To participate over Zoom, you must register in advance.
To register and to receive the link to join the meeting 

Thursday, May 1
Board of Directors Meeting  (EGSF BOARD MEETINGS)
1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
To Be Held Over Zoom
Board meetings are open to any and all EGSFL members.
SIG leaders and committee chairpersons are encouraged to attend.
Anyone who wants to attend must register with Zoom in advance.
To register and to receive the link to join this meeting  